
The user has several options for tapping into the resources provided by hazma. The easiest is to use one of the built-in simplified models, where a user only needs to specify the parameters of the model. If the user is working with a model which specializes on one of the simplified models, they can define their own class and inherit from one of the simplified models, obtaining all of the functionality of the built in models (such as final state radiation (FSR) spectra, cross sections, mediator decay widths, etc.) while supplying the user with a simpler, more specialized interface to the underlying models. For a detailed explanations of how these two options are done, see the basic usage section below. Another option is for the user to define their own model. To do this, they need to define a class which contains functions for the gamma-ray and positron spectra, as well as the annihilation cross sections and branching fractions. In the advanced usage section, we provide a detailed example for this case.

Basic Usage

Using Simplified Models

Here we give a compact overview of how to use the built in simplified models in hazma. All the models built into hazma have identical interfaces. The only difference in the interfaces is the parameters which need to be specified for the particular model being used. Thus, we will only show the usage of one of the models. The others can be used in an identical fashion. The example we will use is the KineticMixing model. To create a KineticMixing model, we use:

# Import the model
>>> from hazma.vector_mediator import KineticMixing
# Specify the parameters
>>> params = {'mx': 250.0, 'mv': 1e6, 'gvxx': 1.0, 'eps': 1e-3}
# Create KineticMixing object
>>> km = KineticMixing(**params)

Here we have created a model with a dark matter fermion of mass 250 MeV, a vector mediator which mixes with the standard model with a mass of 1 TeV. We set the coupling of the vector mediator to the dark matter, \(g_{V\chi} = 1\) and set the kinetic mixing parameter \(\epsilon = 10^{-3}\). To list all of the available final states for which the dark matter can annihilate into, we use:

>>> km.list_annihilation_final_states()
['mu mu', 'e e', 'pi pi', 'pi0 g', 'pi0 v', 'v v']

This tells us that we can potentially annihilate through: \(\bar{\chi}\chi\to\mu^{+}\mu^{-},e^{+}e^{-}, \pi^{+}\pi^{-},\pi^{0}\gamma,\pi^0{0}V\) or \(V V\) (the two-mediator final state). However, which of these final states is actually available depends on the center of mass energy. We can see this fact by looking at the annihilation cross sections or branching fractions, which can be computed using:

>>> cme = 2.0 * * (1.0 + 0.5 * 1e-6)
>>> km.annihilation_cross_sections(cme)
{'mu mu': 8.94839775021393e-25,
 'e e': 9.064036692829845e-25,
 'pi pi': 1.2940469635262499e-25,
 'pi0 g': 5.206158864833925e-29,
 'pi0 v': 0.0,
 'v v': 0.0,
 'total': 1.9307002022456507e-24}
>>> km.annihilation_branching_fractions(cme)
{'mu mu': 0.46347940191883763,
 'e e': 0.4694688839980031,
 'pi pi': 0.06702474894968717,
 'pi0 g': 2.6965133472190545e-05,
 'pi0 v': 0.0,
 'v v': 0.0}

Here we have chosen a realistic center of mass energy for dark matter in our galaxy, which as a velocity dispersion of \(\sigma_v \sim 10^{-3}\). We can that the \(V V\) final state is unavailable, as it should be since the vector mediator mass is too heavy. In this theory, the vector mediator can decay. If we would like to know the decay width and the partial widths, we can use:

>>> km.partial_widths()
{'pi pi': 0.0018242846671063036,
 'pi0 g': 2.1037425397685694,
 'x x': 79577.47154594581,
 'e e': 0.007297139521307648,
 'mu mu': 0.007297139521307642,
 'total': 79579.5917070493}

If we would like to know the gamma-ray spectrum from dark matter annihilations, we can use:

>>> photon_energies = np.array([cme/4])
>>> km.spectra(photon_energies, cme)
{'mu mu': array([2.94759389e-05]),
 'e e': array([0.00013171]),
 'pi pi': array([2.20142244e-06]),
 'pi0 g': array([2.29931655e-07]),
 'pi0 v': array([0.]),
 'v v': array([0.]),
 'total': array([0.00016362])}

Note that we only used a single photon energy because of display purposes, but in general the user can specify any number of photon energies. If the user would like access to the underlying spectrum functions so they can call them repeatedly, they can use:

>>> spec_funs = km.spectrum_functions()
>>> spec_funs['mu mu'](photon_energies, cme)
>>> mumu_bf = km.annihilation_branching_fractions(cme)['mu mu']
>>> mumu_bf * spec_funs['mu mu'](photon_energies, cme)

Notice that the direct call to the spectrum function for \(\bar{\chi}\chi\to\mu^{+}\mu^{-}\) doesn’t given the same result as km.spectra(photon_energies, cme)['mu mu']. This is because the branching fractions are not applied for the spec_funs = km.spectrum_funcs(). If the user doesn’t care about the underlying components of the gamma-ray spectra, the can simply call:

>>> km.total_spectrum(photon_energies, cme)

to get the total gamma-ray spectrum. The reader may have caught the fact that there is a gamma-ray line in the spectrum for \(\bar{\chi}\chi\to\pi^{0}\gamma\). To get the location of this monochromatic gamma-ray line, the user can run:

>>> km.gamma_ray_lines(cme)
{'pi0 g': {'energy': 231.78145156177675, 'bf': 2.6965133472190545e-05}}

This tells us the process which produces the line, the location of the line and the branching fraction for the process. We don’t include the line in the total spectrum since the line produces a Dirac-delta function. In order to get a realistic spectrum including the line, we need to convolve the gamma-ray spectrum with an energy resolution. This can be achieved using:

>>> min_photon_energy = 1e-3
>>> max_photon_energy = cme
>>> energy_resolution = lambda photon_energy : 1.0
>>> number_points = 1000
>>> spec = km.total_conv_spectrum_fn(min_photon_energy, max_photon_energy,
...                                  cme, energy_resolution, number_points)
>>> spec(cme / 4)  # compute the spectrum at a photon energy of `cme/4`

The km.total_conv_spectrum_fn computes and returns an interpolating function of the convolved function. An important thing to note here is that the km.total_conv_spectrum_fn takes in a function for the energy resolution. This allows the user to define the energy resolution to depend on the specific photon energy. Such a dependence is common for gamma-ray telescopes. Next we present the positron spectra. These have an identical interface to the gamma-ray spectra, so we only show how to call the functions and we suppress the output

>>> from hazma.parameters import electron_mass as me
>>> positron_energies = np.logspace(np.log10(me), np.log10(cme), num=100)
>>> km.positron_spectra(positron_energies, cme)
>>> km.positron_lines(cme)
>>> km.total_positron_spectrum(positron_energies, cme)
>>> dnde_pos = km.total_conv_positron_spectrum_fn(min(positron_energies),
...                                               max(positron_energies),
...                                               cme,
...                                               energy_resolution,
...                                               number_points)

The last thing that we would like to demonstrate is how to compute limits. In order to compute the limits on the annihilation cross section of a model from a gamma-ray telescope, say EGRET, we can use:

>>> from hazma.gamma_ray_parameters import egret_diffuse
# Choose DM masses from half the electron mass to 250 MeV
>>> mxs = np.linspace(me/2., 250., num=10)
# Compute limits from e-ASTROGAM
>>> limits = np.zeros(len(mxs), dtype=float)
>>> for i, mx in enumerate(mxs):
... = mx
...     limits[i] = km.binned_limit(egret_diffuse)

Similarly, if we would like to set constraints using e-ASTROGAM, one can use:

# Import target and background model for the e-ASTROGAM telescope
>>> from hazma.gamma_ray_parameters import gc_target, gc_bg_model
# Choose DM masses from half the electron mass to 250 MeV
>>> mxs = np.linspace(me/2., 250., num=10)
# Compute limits from e-ASTROGAM
>>> limits = np.zeros(len(mxs), dtype=float)
>>> for i, mx in enumerate(mxs):
... = mx
...     limits[i] = km.unbinned_limit(target_params=gc_target,
...                                   bg_model=gc_bg_model)

Subclassing the Simplified Models

The user might not be interested in the generic simplified models built into hazma, but instead a more specialized model. In this case, it makes sense for the user to subclass one of the simplified models (i.e. create a class which inherits from one of the simplified models.) As and example, we illustrate how to do this with the Higgs-portal model (of course this model is already built into hazma, but it works nicely as an example.) Recall that the full set of parameters for the scalar mediator model are:

  1. \(m_{\chi}\): dark matter mass,
  2. \(m_{S}\): scalar mediator mass,
  3. \(g_{S\chi}\): coupling of scalar mediator to dark matter,
  4. \(g_{Sf}\): coupling of scalar mediator to standard model fermions,
  5. \(g_{SG}\): effective coupling of scalar mediator to gluons,
  6. \(g_{SF}\): effective coupling of scalar mediator to photons and
  7. \(\Lambda\): cut-off scale for the effective interactions.

In the case of the Higgs-portal model, the scalar mediator talks to the standard model only through the Higgs boson, i.e. it mixes with the Higgs. Therefore, the scalar mediator inherits its interactions with the standard model fermions, gluons and photon through the Higgs. In the Higgs-portal model, the relevant parameters are:

  1. \(m_{\chi}\): dark matter mass,
  2. \(m_{S}\): scalar mediator mass,
  3. \(g_{S\chi}\): coupling of scalar mediator to dark matter,
  4. \(\sin\theta\): the mixing angle between the scalar mediator and the Higgs,

The remaining parameters can be deduced from these using:

\[g_{Sf} = \sin\theta, g_{SG} = 3\sin\theta, g_{SF} = -\frac{5}{6}\sin\theta, \Lambda = v_{h}.\]

Below, we construct a class which subclasses the scalar mediator class to implement the Higgs-portal model.

from hazma.scalar_mediator import ScalarMediator
from hazma.parameters import vh

class HiggsPortal(ScalarMediator):
    def __init__(self, mx, ms, gsxx, stheta):
        self._lam = vh
        self._stheta = stheta
        super(HiggsPortal, self).__init__(mx, ms, gsxx, stheta, 3.*stheta,
                                          -5.*stheta/6., vh)

    def stheta(self):
        return self._stheta

    def stheta(self, stheta):
        self._stheta = stheta
        self.gsff = stheta
        self.gsGG = 3. * stheta
        self.gsFF = - 5. * stheta / 6.

    # Hide underlying properties' setters
    def gsff(self, gsff):
        raise AttributeError("Cannot set gsff")

    def gsGG(self, gsGG):
        raise AttributeError("Cannot set gsGG")

    def gsFF(self, gsFF):
        raise AttributeError("Cannot set gsFF")

There are a couple things to note about our above implementation. First, our model only takes in \(m_{\chi}\), \(m_{S}\), \(g_{S\chi}\) and \(\sin\theta\), as desired. But the underlying model, i.e. the ScalarMediator model only knows about \(m_{\chi}\), \(m_{S}\), \(g_{S\chi}\), \(g_{Sf}\), \(g_{SG}\), \(g_{SF}\) and \(\Lambda\). So if we update \(\sin\theta\), we additionally need to update the underlying parameters, \(g_{Sf}\), \(g_{SG}\), \(g_{SF}\) and \(\Lambda\). The easiest way to do this is using getters and setters by defining \(\sin\theta\) to be a property through the @property decorator. Then every time we update \(\sin\theta\), we can also update the underlying parameters. The second thing to note is that we want to make sure we don’t accidentally change the underlying parameters directly, since in this model, they are only defined through \(\sin\theta\). We an ensure that we cannot change the underlying parameters directly by overriding the getters and setters for gsff, gsGG and gsGG and raising an error if we try to change them. This isn’t strictly necessary (as long as the user is careful), but can help avoid confusing behavior.

Advanced Usage

Adding New Gamma-Ray Experiments

Currently hazma only includes information for producing projected unbinned limits with e-ASTROGAM, using the dwarf Draco or inner \(10^\circ\times10^\circ\) region of the Milky Way as a target. Adding new detectors and target regions is straightforward. A detector is characterized by the effective area \(A_{\mathrm{eff}}(E)\), the energy resolution \(\epsilon(E)\) and observation time \(T_{\mathrm{obs}}\). In hazma, the first two can be any callables (functions) and the third must be a float. The region of interest is defined by a TargetParams object, which can be instantiated with:

>>> from hazma.gamma_ray_parameters import TargetParams
>>> tp = TargetParams(J=1e29, dOmega=0.1)

The background model should be packaged in an object of type BackgroundModel. This light-weight class has a function dPhi_dEdOmega() for computing the differential photon flux per solid angle (in \(\mathrm{MeV}^{-1}\mathrm{sr}\)) and an attribute e_range specifying the energy range over which the model is valid (in MeV). New background models are defined by passing these two the

>>> from hazma.background_model import BackgroundModel
>>> bg = BackgroundModel(e_range=[0.5, 1e4],
...                      dPhi_dEdOmega=lambda e: 2.7e-3 / e**2)

Gamma-ray observation information from Fermi-LAT, EGRET and COMPTEL is included with hazma, and other observations can be added using the container class FluxMeasurement. The initializer requires:

  1. The name of a CSV file containing gamma-ray observations. The file’s columns must contain:

    1. Lower bin edge (MeV)
    2. Upper bin edge (MeV)
    3. \(E^n d^2\Phi / dE\, d\Omega\) (in \(\mathrm{MeV}^{n-1} \mathrm{cm}^{-2} \mathrm{s}^{-1} \mathrm{sr}^{-1}\))
    4. Upper error bar (in \(\mathrm{MeV}^{n-1} \mathrm{cm}^{-2} \mathrm{s}^{-1} \mathrm{sr}^{-1}\))
    5. Lower error bar (in \(\mathrm{MeV}^{n-1} \mathrm{cm}^{-2} \mathrm{s}^{-1} \mathrm{sr}^{-1}\))

    Note that the error bar values are their \(y\)-coordinates, not their relative distances from the central flux.

  2. The detector’s energy resolution function.

  3. A TargetParams object for the target region.

For example, a CSV file obs.csv containing observations

lower bin upper bin \(E^n d^2\Phi / dE\, d\Omega\) upper error lower error
275.0 0.0040 0.0043 0.0038
900.0 0.0035 0.0043 0.003

with \(n=2\) for an instrument with energy resolution \(\epsilon(E) = 0.05\) observing the target region tp defined above can be loaded using [1]:

>>> from hazma.flux_measurement import FluxMeasurement
>>> obs = FluxMeasurement("obs.dat", lambda e: 0.05, tp)

The attributes of the FluxMeasurement store all of the provide information, with the \(E^n\) prefactor removed from the flux and error bars, and the errors converted from the positions of the error bars to their sizes. These are used internally by the Theory.binned_limit() method, and can be accessed as follows:

>>> obs.e_lows, obs.e_highs
(array([150., 650.]), array([275., 900.]))
<hazma.gamma_ray_parameters.TargetParams at 0x1c1bbbafd0>
>>> obs.fluxes
array([8.85813149e-08, 5.82726327e-09])
>>> obs.upper_errors
array([6.64359862e-09, 1.33194589e-09])
>>> obs.lower_errors
array([4.42906574e-09, 8.32466181e-10])
>>> obs.energy_res(10.)

User-Defined Models

In this subsection, we demonstrate how to implement new models in Hazma. A notebook containing all th.. code in this appendix can be downloaded from GitHub HazmaExample. The model we will consider is an effective field theory with a Dirac fermion DM particle which talks to neutral and charged pions through gauge-invariant dimension-5 operators. The Lagrangian for this model is:

\[\mathcal{L} \supset \frac{c_1}{\Lambda}\overline{\chi}\chi\pi^{+}\pi^{-}+\frac{c_2}{\Lambda}\overline{\chi}\chi\pi^{0}\pi^{0}\]

where \(c_{1}, c_{2}\) are dimensionless Wilson coefficients and \(\Lambda\) is the cut-off scale of the theory. In order to implement this model in Hazma, we need to compute the annihilation cross sections and the FSR spectra. The annihilation channels for this model are simply \(\bar{\chi}\chi\to\pi^{0}\pi^{0}\) and \(\bar{\chi}\chi\to\pi^{+}\pi^{-}\). The computations for the cross sections are straight forward and yield:

\[\begin{split}\sigma(\bar{\chi}\chi\to\pi^{+}\pi^{-}) = \frac{c_1^2 \sqrt{1-4 \mu _{\pi }^2} \sqrt{1-4 \mu _{\chi }^2}}{32 \pi \Lambda^2}\\ \sigma(\bar{\chi}\chi\to\pi^{0}\pi^{0}) = \frac{c_2^2 \sqrt{1-4 \mu_{\pi^{0}}^2} \sqrt{1-4 \mu_{\chi}^2}}{8 \pi \Lambda^2}\end{split}\]

where \(Q\) is the center of mass energy, \(\mu_{\chi} = m_{\chi}/Q\), \(\mu_{\pi} = m_{\pi^{\pm}}/Q\) and \(\mu_{\pi^{0}} = m_{\pi^{0}}/Q\). In addition to the cross sections, we need the FSR spectrum for \(\overline{\chi}\chi\to\pi^{+}\pi^{-}\gamma\). This is:

\[ \frac{dN(\bar{\chi}\chi\to\pi^{+}\pi^{-}\gamma)}{dE_{\gamma}} = \frac{\alpha \left(2 f(x)-2\left(1-x-2 \mu_{\pi} ^2\right) \log \left(\frac{1-x-f(x)}{1-x+f(x)}\right)\right)}{\pi\sqrt{1-4 \mu_{\pi} ^2} x}\]


\[f(x) = \sqrt{1-x} \sqrt{1-x-4 \mu_{\pi} ^2}\]

We are now ready to set up the Hazma model. For hazma to work properly, we will need to define the following functions in our model:

  1. annihilation_cross_section_funcs(): A function returning a dict of the annihilation cross sections functions, each of which take a center of mass energy.
  2. spectrum_funcs(): A function returning a dict of functions which take photon energies and a center of mass energy and return the gamma-ray spectrum contribution from each final state.
  3. gamma_ray_lines(e_cm): A function returning a dict of the gamma-ray lines for a given center of mass energy.
  4. positron_spectrum_funcs(): Like spectrum_funcs(), but for positron spectra.
  5. positron_lines(e_cm): A function returning a dict of the electron/positron lines for a center of mass energy.

We find it easiest to place all of these components is modular classes and then combine all the individual classes into a master class representing our model. Before we begin writing the classes, we will need a few helper functions and constants from hazma:

import numpy as np # NumPy is heavily used
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Plotting utilities
# neutral and charged pion masses
from hazma.parameters import neutral_pion_mass as mpi0
from hazma.parameters import charged_pion_mass as mpi
from hazma.parameters import qe # Electric charge
# Positron spectra for neutral and charged pions
from hazma.positron_spectra import charged_pion as pspec_charged_pion
# Deay spectra for neutral and charged pions
from hazma.decay import neutral_pion, charged_pion
# The `Theory` class which we will ultimately inherit from
from hazma.theory import Theory

Now, we implement a cross section class:

class HazmaExampleCrossSection:
    def sigma_xx_to_pipi(self, Q):
        mupi = mpi / Q
        mux = / Q

        if Q > 2 * and Q > 2 * mpi:
            sigma = (self.c1**2 * np.sqrt(1 - 4 * mupi**2) *
                     np.sqrt(1 - 4 * mux**2)**2 /
                     (32.0 * self.lam**2 * np.pi))
            sigma = 0.0

        return sigma

    def sigma_xx_to_pi0pi0(self, Q):
        mupi0 = mpi0 / Q
        mux = / Q

        if Q > 2 * and Q > 2 * mpi0:
            sigma = (self.c2**2 * np.sqrt(1 - 4 * mux**2) *
                     np.sqrt(1 - 4 * mupi0**2) /
                     (8.0 * self.lam**2 * np.pi))
            sigma = 0.0

        return sigma

    def annihilation_cross_section_funcs(self):
        return {'pi0 pi0': self.sigma_xx_to_pi0pi0,
                'pi pi': self.sigma_xx_to_pipi}

The key function is annihilation_cross_sections, which is required to be implemented by hazma. Next, we implement the spectrum functions which will produce the FSR and decay spectra:

class HazmaExampleSpectra:
    def dnde_pi0pi0(self, e_gams, e_cm):
        return 2.0 * neutral_pion(e_gams, e_cm / 2.0)

    def __dnde_xx_to_pipig(self, e_gam, Q):
        # Unvectorized function for computing FSR spectrum
        mupi = mpi / Q
        mux = / Q
        x = 2.0 * e_gam / Q
        if 0.0 < x and x < 1. - 4. * mupi**2:
            dnde = ((qe**2 * (2 * np.sqrt(1 - x) * np.sqrt(1 - 4*mupi**2 - x) +
                          (-1 + 2 * mupi**2 + x) *
                          np.log((-1 + np.sqrt(1 - x) * np.sqrt(1 - 4*mupi**2 - x) + x)**2/
                                 (1 + np.sqrt(1 - x)*np.sqrt(1 - 4*mupi**2 - x) - x)**2)))/
                (Q * 2.0 * np.sqrt(1 - 4 * mupi**2) * np.pi**2 * x))
            dnde = 0

        return dnde

    def dnde_pipi(self, e_gams, e_cm):
        return (np.vectorize(self.__dnde_xx_to_pipig)(e_gams, e_cm) +
                2. * charged_pion(e_gams, e_cm / 2.0))

    def spectrum_funcs(self):
        return {'pi0 pi0':  self.dnde_pi0pi0,
                'pi pi':  self.dnde_pipi}

    def gamma_ray_lines(self, e_cm):
        return {}

Note the the second __dnde_xx_to_pipig is an unvectorized helper function, which is not to be used directly. Next we implement the positron spectra:

class HazmaExamplePositronSpectra:
    def dnde_pos_pipi(self, e_ps, e_cm):
        return pspec_charged_pion(e_ps, e_cm / 2.)

    def positron_spectrum_funcs(self):
        return {"pi pi": self.dnde_pos_pipi}

    def positron_lines(self, e_cm):
        return {}

Lastly, we group all of these classes into a master class and we’re done:

class HazmaExample(HazmaExampleCrossSection,
    # Model parameters are DM mass: mx,
    # Wilson coefficients: c1, c2 and
    # cutoff scale: lam
    def __init__(self, mx, c1, c2, lam): = mx
        self.c1 = c1
        self.c2 = c2
        self.lam = lam

    def list_annihilation_final_states():
        return ['pi pi', 'pi0 pi0']

Now we can easily compute gamma-ray spectra, positron spectra and limit on our new model from gamma-ray telescopes. To implement our new model with \(m_{\chi} = 200~\mathrm{MeV}, c_{1} = c_{2} = 1\) and \(\Lambda = 100~\mathrm{GeV}\), we can use:

>>> model = HazmaExample(200.0, 1.0, 1.0, 100e3)

To compute a gamma-ray spectrum:

# Photon energies from 1 keV to 1 GeV
>>> egams = np.logspace(-3.0, 3.0, num=150)
# Assume the DM is moving with a velocity of 10^-3
>>> vdm = 1e-3
# Compute CM energy assuming the above velocity
>>> Q = 2.0 * * (1 + 0.5 * vdm**2)
# Compute spectra
>>> spectra = model.spectra(egams, Q)

Then we can plot the spectra using:

>>> plt.figure(dpi=100)
>>> for key, val in spectra.items():
...     plt.plot(egams, val, label=key)
>>> plt.xlabel(r'$E_{\gamma} (\mathrm{MeV})$', fontsize=16)
>>> plt.ylabel(r'$\frac{dN}{dE_{\gamma}} (\mathrm{MeV}^{-1})$', fontsize=16)
>>> plt.xscale('log')
>>> plt.yscale('log')
>>> plt.legend()

Additionally, we can compute limits on the thermally-averaged annihilation cross section of our model for various DM masses using

# Import target and background model for the E-Astrogam telescope
>>> from hazma.gamma_ray_parameters import gc_target, gc_bg_model
# Choose DM masses from half the pion mass to 250 MeV
>>> mxs = np.linspace(mpi/2., 250., num=100)
# Compute limits from E-Astrogam
>>> limits = np.zeros(len(mxs), dtype=float)
>>> for i, mx in enumerate(mxs):
... = mx
...     limits[i] = model.unbinned_limit(target_params=gc_target,
...                                      bg_model=gc_bg_model)
[1]If the CSV containing the observations uses a different power of \(E\) than \(n=2\), this can be specified using the power keyword argument to the initializer for FluxMeasurement