Parameters (hazma.parameters)

hazma’s collection of physical constants.


All masses are in MeV.

hazma.parameters.higgs_mass: float = 125100.0[source]

Higgs mass in MeV

hazma.parameters.electron_mass: float = 0.5109989461[source]

Electron mass in MeV

hazma.parameters.muon_mass: float = 105.6583745[source]

Muon mass in MeV

hazma.parameters.tau_mass: float = 1776.86[source]

Tau mass in MeV

hazma.parameters.neutral_pion_mass: float = 134.9768[source]

Neutral pion mass in MeV

hazma.parameters.charged_pion_mass: float = 139.57039[source]

Charged pion mass in MeV

hazma.parameters.eta_mass: float = 547.862[source]

Eta mass in MeV

hazma.parameters.eta_prime_mass: float = 957.78[source]

Eta’ mass in MeV

hazma.parameters.charged_kaon_mass: float = 493.677[source]

Charged kaon mass in MeV

hazma.parameters.neutral_kaon_mass: float = 497.611[source]

Neutral kaon mass in MeV

hazma.parameters.long_kaon_mass: float = 497.611[source]

Long kaon mass in MeV

hazma.parameters.short_kaon_mass: float = 497.611[source]

Short kaon mass in MeV

hazma.parameters.rho_mass: float = 775.26[source]

Rho mass in MeV

hazma.parameters.omega_mass: float = 782.66[source]

Omega mass in MeV

hazma.parameters.phi_mass: float = 1019.461[source]

Phi mass in MeV

hazma.parameters.charged_B_mass: float = 5279.29[source]

Charged B mass in MeV

hazma.parameters.pion_mass_chiral_limit: float = 137.273595[source]

Pion mass in MeV (chiral-limit)

hazma.parameters.kaon_mass_chiral_limit: float = 495.644[source]

Kaon mass in MeV (chiral-limit)

hazma.parameters.up_quark_mass: float = 2.16[source]

Up-quark mass in MeV

hazma.parameters.down_quark_mass: float = 4.67[source]

Down-quark mass in MeV

hazma.parameters.strange_quark_mass: float = 95.0[source]

Strange-quark mass in MeV

hazma.parameters.charm_quark_mass: float = 1270.0[source]

Charm-quark mass in MeV

hazma.parameters.bottom_quark_mass: float = 4180.0[source]

Bottom-quark mass in MeV

hazma.parameters.top_quark_mass: float = 172900.0[source]

Top-quark mass in MeV

Conversion factors

hazma.parameters.cm_to_inv_MeV = 50677307161.56396[source]

Convert \(\mathrm{cm}\) to \(\mathrm{MeV}^{-1}\)

hazma.parameters.sv_inv_MeV_to_cm3_per_s = 1.1673299907789853e-11[source]

Convert \(\expval{\sigma v}\) from \(\mathrm{MeV}^{-2}\) to \(\mathrm{cm}^{3}/\mathrm{s}\)

hazma.parameters.g_to_MeV = 5.609588603804452e+26[source]

Convert \(\mathrm{grams}\) to \(\mathrm{MeV}\)

hazma.parameters.MeV_to_g = 1.7826619216278976e-27[source]

Convert \(\mathrm{MeV}\) to \(\mathrm{grams}\)

hazma.parameters.Msun_to_g = 1.988e+33[source]

Solar mass to grams

hazma.parameters.g_to_Msun = 5.030181086519115e-34[source]

Gram to solar mass

Physical Constants

hazma.parameters.alpha_em: float = 0.0072971395213076475[source]

Electromagnetic fine structure constant.

hazma.parameters.GF: float = 1.1663787e-11[source]

Fermi constant in MeV**-2

hazma.parameters.vh: float = 246227.95[source]

Higg vacuum expectation value in MeV

hazma.parameters.qe: float = 0.30281770035689687[source]

\(e\) - Electromagnetic coupling constant

hazma.parameters.temp_cmb_formation: float = 2.35e-07[source]

\(T_{\mathrm{CMB}}\) - CMB temperature at formation in MeV

hazma.parameters.plank_mass: float = 1.22091e+22[source]

\(M_{\mathrm{pl}}\) - Plank mass in MeV

hazma.parameters.rho_crit: float = 0.0105375[source]

\(\rho_{\mathrm{crit}}\) - Critical energy density in units of \(h^2 \ [\mathrm{MeV} / \mathrm{cm}^3]\)

hazma.parameters.sm_entropy_density_today: float = 2891.2[source]

\(s_{0}\) - Entropy density today [\(\mathrm{cm}^{-3}\)]

hazma.parameters.omega_h2_cdm: float = 0.1198[source]

\(\Omega_{\mathrm{CMD}}h^2\) - Energy density fraction of dark matter times \(h^2\)

hazma.parameters.dimensionless_hubble_constant: float = 0.6774[source]

\(h = H_{0}/(100 \mathrm{km/s/Mpc})\) - Hubble constant scale by 100 km/s/Mpc (Plank 2015)

hazma.parameters.sin_theta_weak_sqrd: float = 0.2229[source]

\(\sin^2\theta_{W}\) - Square of the sine of the Weinberg angle

hazma.parameters.sin_theta_weak: float = 0.47212286536451503[source]

\(\sin\theta_{W}\) - Sine of the Weinberg angle

hazma.parameters.cos_theta_weak: float = 0.8815327560561774[source]

\(\cos\theta_{W}\) - Cosine of the Weinberg angle

hazma.parameters.Vud: complex = (0.974352121697273+0j)[source]

\(V_{ud}\) - up-down CKM matrix element

hazma.parameters.Vus: complex = (0.22499846626868697+0j)[source]

\(V_{us}\) - up-strange CKM matrix element

hazma.parameters.Vts: complex = (-0.041088514331340434-0.000755182227369455j)[source]

\(V_{ts}\) - top-strange CKM matrix element

hazma.parameters.Vtb: complex = (0.9991185074624703+0j)[source]

\(V_{tb}\) - top-bottom CKM matrix element

hazma.parameters.Vtd: complex = (0.007916871032258304-0.0032703040945479727j)[source]

\(V_{td}\) - top-down CKM matrix element

hazma.parameters.Qu: float = 0.6666666666666666[source]

\(Q_{u}/e\) - Up-type quark charge in units of electron charge.

hazma.parameters.Qd: float = -0.3333333333333333[source]

\(Q_{d}/e\) - Down-type quark charge in units of electron charge.

hazma.parameters.Qe: float = -1.0[source]

\(Q_{e}/e\) - Charged lepton charge in units of electron charge.

hazma.parameters.fpi0: float = 91.924[source]

\(f_{\pi^{0}}\) - Neutral pion decay constant.

hazma.parameters.fpi: float = 92.2138[source]

\(f_{\pi^{\pm}}\) - Charged pion decay constant. float = 110.379[source]

\(f_{K^{\pm}}\) - Charged kaon decay constant.

hazma.parameters.b0: float = 2759.0102319508087[source]

\(B_{0} = \expval{\bar{q}q}/(3f_{\pi}^2)\) - ChiPT mass parameter