Phase Space (hazma.phase_space)


The phase_space module contains the hazma.phase_space.Rambo class for working with N-body phase-space and the specialized hazma.phase_space.ThreeBody class for three-body phase-space. Rambo contains methods for generating phase-space points, integrating over N-body phase-space, computing cross-sections and computing decay widths.


The Rambo class is instantiated by supplying the center-of-mass energy, the masses of the final-state particles and optionally a function to compute the squared matrix element. The function to compute the squared matrix element must be a vectorized unary function that return the squared matrix elements given four-momenta. The internal momenta generated by Rambo have a shape of (4, nfsp, n) where nfsp in the number of final-state particles and n is the number of points generated simultaneously. The leading dimension holds the energy, x, y and z-components of the four-momenta. If no function to compute the squared matrix element is supplied, it will be taken to be 1.

In the following snippet, we create a Rambo object for a process with 3 final-state particles, and a squared matrix element equal to \(p_{1}\cdot p_{2}\). Note the Utilities (hazma.utils) module contains a function hazma.utils.ldot() to compute the Lorentzian scalar product between two four-vectors.

from hazma import phase_space
from hazma import utils

cme = 10.0
masses = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]

def msqrd(momenta):
   p1 = momenta[:, 0] # Pick out the 4-momenta of particle 1
   p2 = momenta[:, 1] # Pick out the 4-momenta of particle 2
   return utils.ldot(p1, p2) # Compute p1.p2

phase_space = phase_space.Rambo(cme, masses, msqrd)

Integrating over phase-space

The Rambo.integrate() method computes the following integral:

\[\Pi_{\mathrm{LIPS}} = \int \qty(\prod_{i=1}^{N}\dfrac{d^{3}\vec{p}_{i}}{(2\pi)^3}\dfrac{1}{2E_{i}}) (2\pi)^4 \delta^{4}\qty(P-\sum_{i=1}^{N}p_{i}) {\left|\mathcal{M}\right|}^2\]

This function takes in an integer specifying the number of points to use for the Monte-Carlo integration and computes the integral using the RAMBO algorithm. As a simple example, let’s compute the N-body integral for massless particles. The analytical result is:

\[\Pi^{(n)}_{\mathrm{LIPS}} = \frac{1}{\Gamma(n)\Gamma(n-1)} {(2\pi)}^{4-3n} {\qty(\frac{\pi}{2})}^{n-1} {E_{\mathrm{CM}}}^{2n-4}\]

We can verify this using the Rambo.integrate() method:

Integrating N-body phase space with massless particles
import math
import numpy as np
from hazma import phase_space

def analytic(n):
   fact = math.factorial(n - 2) * math.factorial(n - 1)
   return (0.5 * math.pi) ** (n - 1) * (2 * np.pi) ** (4 - 3 * n) / fact
analytic_integrals = [analytic(n) for n in range(2, 10)]

integrals = []
for n in range(2, 10):
   rambo = phase_space.Rambo(1.0, [0.0] * n)
   integral, error = rambo.integrate(n=10)
np.max([abs(i1 - i2) / i2 for i1, i2 in zip(integrals, analytic_integrals)])
# Possible output: 2.2608966769988504e-15

Generating phase-space points

Sometimes it is useful to have access the momenta and weights of N-body phase-space. The are two methods for generating momenta and weights: Rambo.generate() and func:Rambo.generator. The func:Rambo.generate :py:method will return a specified number of momenta and weights. The Rambo.generator() method returns a python generator, allowing for iterating over batches of momenta and weights.

As described above, the momenta will have a shape of (4, nfsp, n) where nfsp is the number of final-state particles and n is the number of requested points. The weights will have a shape of (n,). To see this explicitly, consider the following. Here we generate 10 phase-space points:

from hazma import phase_space

rambo = phase_space.Rambo(cme=10.0, masses=[1.0, 2.0, 3.0])
momenta, weights = rambo.generate(n=10)
# (4, 3, 10)
# (10,)

In some cases, one may not want to generate all points at once (since it is costly memory-wise or maybe one wants to monitor convergence.) We supply the Rambo.generator() method for generating batches of phase-space points. For example, suppose we want to integrate over phase-space ourselves using 1M points and batches of 50,000 points at a time. To do this, we can use:

import numpy as np
from hazma import phase_space

rambo = phase_space.Rambo(cme=10.0, masses=[1.0, 2.0, 3.0])
n = int(1e6)
batch_size = 50_000
integrals = []
for momenta, weights in rambo.generator(n, batch_size, seed=1234):
# Output: 0.0036118278252665406


The above code is equivalent to using hazma.phase_space.Rambo.generate() with n=int(1e6) and batch_size=50_000. All methods accept a batch_size argument used can to split the computation into chunks in cases where the user has limited memory.

Computing decay widths and cross sections

The most common use of the Rambo() is computing cross sections or decay widths. The functions hazma.phase_space.Rambo.cross_section() and hazma.phase_space.Rambo.decay_width() can be used for these purposes. These methods just wrap hazma.phase_space.Rambo.integrate() and append the appropriate prefactors. As an example, let’s compute the muon decay width for the process \(\mu\to e\nu_{e}\nu_{\mu}\). The squared matrix element (ignoring the electron mass) is:

\[\left|\mathcal{M}\right|^2 = 16 G_{F}^{2} t (m_{\mu}^2 - t)\]

where \(G_{F}\) is the Fermi constant and \(t=(p_{e}+p_{\nu_{\mu}})^2\). The analytic result is

\[\Gamma = \frac{G_{F}^{2}m_{\mu}^{5}}{192\pi^3} \sim 3 \times 10^{-19}\]

To compute this, we use the following:

from hazma import phase_space
from hazma import utils
from hazma.parameters import GF
from hazma.parameters import muon_mass as MMU

def msqrd(momenta):
   p1 = momenta[:, 0]
   p3 = momenta[:, 2]
   t = utils.lnorm_sqr(p1 + p3)
   return 16.0 * GF**2 * t * (MMU**2 - t)

rambo = phase_space.Rambo(MMU, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], msqrd=msqrd)
width, error = rambo.decay_width(n=50_000, seed=1234)

analytic = GF**2 * MMU**5 / (192 * np.pi**3)
actual_error = abs(width - analytic)
print(f"width = {width:.2e} +- {error:.2e}")
print(f"actual error = {actual_error:.2e} = {actual_error / analytic * 100:.2f} %")
# Output:
#  width = 3.02e-19 +- 5.99e-22
#  actual error = 9.50e-22 = 0.32 %


The Utilities (hazma.utils) module contains a couple of functions useful for dealing with four-vectors, namely, hazma.utils.ldot() for computing scalar products and hazma.utils.lnorm_sqr() for computing the squared norm.

Energy and Invariant Mass Distributions

The Rambo class can also compute energy distributions as well as the invariant mass distributions of pairs of final state particles. To compute energies distributions, use Rambo.energy_distributions:

from hazma import phase_space
from hazma.parameters import standard_model_masses as sm_masses
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

states = ["pi", "e", "mu", "k"]
masses = [sm_masses[s] for s in states]
cme = 3 * sum(masses)
rambo = phase_space.Rambo(cme, masses)

energy_dists = rambo.energy_distributions(n=1<<16, nbins=25)

labels=[r"$\pi$", r"$e$", r"$\mu$", r"$K$"]
for i, dist in enumerate(energy_dists):
    plt.plot(dist.bin_centers, dist.probabilities, label=labels[i])

plt.ylabel(r"$P(\epsilon) \ [\mathrm{MeV}^{-1}]$", fontdict=dict(size=16))
plt.xlabel(r"$\epsilon \ [\mathrm{MeV}]$", fontdict=dict(size=16))

(Source code)

We note the ‘choppy’ behavior of the curves. Since we are performing naive Monte-Carlo integration, we need a large number of points to properly sample phase-space. The invariant mass distributions are generated in a similar fashion. Note that the return value of the invariant mass distributions is a dictionary with keys given by a pair of integers that specify the pair of particles the distribution corresponds to. See hazma.phase_space.PhaseSpaceDistribution1D for more information on the distribution objects.

Three Body Phase Space (hazma.phase_space.ThreeBody)


This class is meant for cases where the squared matrix element only depends on the total momentum and the momenta of the final state particles. If this isn’t the case, then this class is not suitable.

As an example of a case where this class does apply, recall that the squared matrix element (summed over spins) for the decay of an unstable particle into a three-body final state only depends on the momenta of the final-state particles.

For three-body phase space where the squared matrix element only depends on the final-state momenta, the phase space integral simplifies. The result is:

\[\Phi_3 = \frac{1}{16(2\pi)^2Q^2} \int_{s_{-}}^{s_{+}}\dd{s} \int_{t_{-}(s)}^{t_{+}(s)}\dd{t} {\left|\mathcal{M}\right|}^2\]

where \(Q\) is the center-of-mass energy, \(s=(p_2+p_3)^2\) and \(t=(p_1+p_3)^2\). The limits of integration are:

\[\begin{split}s_{\mathrm{min}} &= (m_2+m_3)^2\\ s_{\mathrm{max}} &= (Q-m_1)^2\\ t_{\pm} &= \frac{-s^2 +(Q^2+m_1^2+m_2^2+m_3^2) s -\qty(M^2-m_1^2)(m_2-m_3)^2 \pm p_1p_2}{2s}\\ p_{1} &= \lambda^{1/2}(s,m_1^2,Q^2)\\ p_{2} &= \lambda^{1/2}(s,m_2^2,m_3^2)\end{split}\]

Here, \(\lambda(a,b,c)=a^2+b^2+c^2-2ab-2ac-2bc\).

Integrating over phase-space

The interface for ThreeBody is similar to Rambo. To integrate over phase space, use ThreeBody.integrate(). The is an important difference between ThreeBody and Rambo: the matrix element must be a binary function taking the variables \(s=(p_2+p_3)^2\) and \(t=(p_1+p_3)^2\).

As an example, let’s consider the muon decay again. To integrate over phase space, we use:

import numpy as np
from hazma import phase_space
from hazma.parameters import GF
from hazma.parameters import muon_mass as MMU

def msqrd(s, t):
   return 16.0 * GF**2 * t * (MMU**2 - t)

integral, error = phase_space.ThreeBody(MMU, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], msqrd=msqrd).integrate()
width = integral / (2.0 * MMU)
error = error / (2.0 * MMU)

analytic = GF**2 * MMU**5 / (192 * np.pi**3)
actual_error = abs(width - analytic)
print(f"analytic = {analytic:.8e}")
print(f"width = {width:.8e} +- {error:.2e}")
print(f"actual error = {actual_error:.2e} = {actual_error / analytic * 100:.2e} %")
# Output:
# analytic = 3.00917842e-16
# width = 3.00917842e-16 +- 6.68e-30
# actual error = 4.93e-32 = 1.64e-14 %

Energy and Invariant Mass Distributions

The interface for computing energy and invariant-mass distributions using ThreeBody is nearly identical to Rambo. You can simply construct your ThreeBody instance and call either ThreeBody.energy_distributions or ThreeBody.invariant_mass_distributions. The main difference is the signature of the msqrd parameter. As before, it must be a binary function accepting \(s=(p_2+p_3)^2\) and \(t=(p_1+p_3)^2\).

The hazma.form_factors module uses ThreeBody for the 3-body form factors. As an example of how to generate distributions, let’s use the hazma.form_factors.vector.VectorFormFactorPiKK0 to look at the energy distributions of the final state mesons.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from hazma import phase_space
import hazma.form_factors.vector as ffv

def msqrd(s, t, q, form_factor: ffv.VectorFormFactorPiKK0, gvuu, gvdd, gvss):
   ff = form_factor.form_factor(q, s, t, gvuu=gvuu, gvdd=gvdd, gvss=gvss)
   lor = form_factor.squared_lorentz_structure(q, s, t)
   return np.abs(ff) ** 2 * lor

# Specify parameters
gvuu, gvdd, gvss = 2.0 / 3.0, -1.0 / 3.0, -1.0 / 3.0
pk0_ff = ffv.VectorFormFactorPiKK0()
q = 1.5e3  # 1.5 GeV
# Construct `ThreeBody` object
tb = phase_space.ThreeBody(
   msqrd=lambda s, t: msqrd(s, t, q, pk0_ff, gvuu, gvdd, gvss),

# Construct distributions
energy_dists = tb.energy_distributions(nbins=100)
inv_mass_dists = tb.invariant_mass_distributions(nbins=100)

# Make plot
plt.figure(dpi=150, figsize=(9, 3))
ax1 = plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)
ax2 = plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)

labels = [r"$K^0$", r"$K$", r"$\pi$"]
lss = ["-", "--", "-."]
for i, dist in enumerate(energy_dists):
   ax1.plot(dist.bin_centers, dist.probabilities, label=labels[i], ls=lss[i])
ax1.set_ylabel(r"$P(\epsilon)$", fontsize=16)
ax1.set_xlabel(r"$\epsilon$", fontsize=16)

labels = {
   (0, 1): r"$(K^0,K)$",
   (0, 2): r"$(K^0,\pi)$",
   (1, 2): r"$(K,\pi)$",
lss = {(0, 1): "-", (0, 2): "--", (1, 2): "-."}
for key, dist in inv_mass_dists.items():
   ax2.plot(dist.bin_centers, dist.probabilities, label=labels[key], ls=lss[key])
ax2.set_ylabel(r"$P(s_{ij})$", fontsize=16)
ax2.set_xlabel(r"$s_{ij}$", fontsize=16)


(Source code)

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