Gamma ray spectra


This page discusses how to compute the gamma-ray spectrum for a particular particle physics process. Since computing gamma-ray spectra is a model-dependent process, we include in hazma tools for computing gamma-ray spectra from both FSR and the decay of final state-particles.

The gamma_ray module contains two functions called gamma_ray_decay and gamma_ray_fsr. The gamma_ray_decay function accepts a list of the final-state particles, the center-of-mass energy, the gamma-ray energies to compute the spectrum at and optionally the matrix element. Currently, the final-state particles can be \(\pi^{0}\), \(\pi^{\pm}\), \(\mu^{\pm}\), \(e^{\pm}\), \(K^{\pm}\), \(K_{L}\) and \(K_{S}\) where \(K\) stands for kaon.

We caution that when including many final-state mesons, one needs to take care to supply the properly unitarized matrix element. The gamma_ray_decay functions works by first computing the energies distributions of all the final-state particles and convolving the energy distributions with the decay spectra of the final-state particles. The gamma_ray_decay function can be used as follows:

>>> from hazma.gamma_ray_decay import gamma_ray_decay
>>> import numpy as np
# specify the final-state particles
>>> particles = np.array(['muon', 'charged_kaon', 'long_kaon'])
# choose the center of mass energy
>>> cme = 5000.
# choose list of the gamma-ray energies to compute spectra at
>>> eng_gams = np.logspace(0., np.log10(cme), num=200, dtype=np.float64)
# compute the gamma-ray spectra assuming a constant matrix element
>>> spec = gamma_ray_decay(particles, cme, eng_gams)

The gamma_ray_fsr function computes the gamma-ray spectrum from \(X\to Y\gamma\), i.e.:

\[\dfrac{dN(X\to Y\gamma)}{dE_{\gamma}} = \dfrac{1}{\sigma(X\to Y)}\dfrac{d\sigma(X\to Y\gamma)}{dE_{\gamma}}\]

where \(X\) and \(Y\) are any particles excluding the photon. This function takes in as input a list of the initial state particle masses (either 1 or 2 particles), the final state particle masses, the center-of-mass energy, a function for the tree-level matrix element (for \(X\to Y\)) and a function for the radiative matrix element (\(X\to Y\gamma\)). The functions for the matrix elements must take is a single argument which is a list of the four-momenta for the final state particles. As an example, we consider the process of two dark-matter particles annihilating into charged pions, \(\bar{\chi}\chi\to \pi^{+}\pi^{-}(\gamma)\) using the model from Advanced Usage. In Advanced Usage, we gave the analytic expressions for the gamma-ray spectra. The tree-level and radiative matrix elements for this process are:

\[\begin{split}|\mathcal{M}(\bar{\chi}\chi\to \pi^{+}\pi^{-})|^2 &= \frac{c_1^2 \left(s-4 m_{\chi}^2\right)}{2 \Lambda^2}\\ |\mathcal{M}(\bar{\chi}\chi\to \pi^{+}\pi^{-}\gamma)|^2 &= \dfrac{2 c_1^2 \left(4 \mu_{\chi}^2-1\right) Q^2 e^2}{\Lambda^2 \left(t-\mu_{\pi}^2 Q^2\right)^2 \left(u-\mu_{\pi}^2 Q^2\right)^2}\\ &\qquad \times \left(\left(\mu_{\pi} Q (t+u)-2 \mu_{\pi}^3 Q^3\right)^2+s \left(t-\mu_{\pi}^2 Q^2\right) \left(\mu_{\pi}^2 Q^2-u\right)\right)\end{split}\]

where \(Q\) is the center-of-mass energy, \(e\) is the electromagnetic coupling, \(\mu_{\pi,\chi} = m_{\pi,\chi}/Q\) and

\[s = (p_{\pi,1} + p_{\pi,2})^2, t = (p_{\pi,1} + k)^2, u = (p_{\pi,2} + k)^2\]

with \(p_{\pi,1,2}\) are the four-momenta of the two final-state pions and \(k\) is the four-momenta of the final-state photon. Below, we create a class to implement functions for the tree and radiative matrix elements. Note that these functions take in an array of four-momenta.

from hazma.field_theory_helper_functions.common_functions import \
minkowski_dot as MDot

class Msqrd(object):
    def __init__(self, mx, c1, lam): = mx # DM mass
        self.c1 = c1 # effective coupling of DM to charged pions
        self.lam = lam # cut off scale for effective theory

    def tree(self, momenta):
        ppi1 = momenta[0] # first charged pion four-momentum
        ppi2 = momenta[1] # second charged pion four-momentum
        Q = ppi1[0] + ppi2[0] # center-of-mass energy
        return -((self.c1**2 * (4 ***2-Q**2)) / (2 * self.lam**2))

    def radiative(self, momenta):
        ppi1 = momenta[0] # first charged pion four-momentum
        ppi2 = momenta[1] # second charged pion four-momentum
        k = momenta[2] # photon four-momentum
        Q = ppi1[0] + ppi2[0] + k[0] # center-of-mass energy

        mux = / Q
        mupi = mpi / Q

        s = MDot(ppi1 + ppi2, ppi1 + ppi2)
        t = MDot(ppi1 + k, ppi1 + k)
        u = MDot(ppi2 + k, ppi2 + k)

        return ((2*self.c1**2*(-1 + 4*mux**2)*Q**2*qe**2 *
                 (s*(-(mupi**2*Q**2) + t)*(mupi**2*Q**2 - u) +
                  (-2*mupi**3*Q**3 + mupi*Q*(t + u))**2)) /
                (self.lam**2*(-(mupi**2*Q**2) + t)**2*
                (-(mupi**2*Q**2) + u)**2))

Next, we can compute the gamma-ray spectrum for \(\bar{\chi}\chi\to\pi^{+}\pi^{-}\gamma\) using:

>>> from hazma.gamma_ray import gamma_ray_fsr
# specify the parameters of the model
>>> params = {'mx': 200.0, 'c1':1.0, 'lam':1e4}
# create instance of our Msqrd class
>>> msqrds = Msqrd(**params)
# specify the initial and final state masses
>>> isp_masses = np.array([,])
>>> fsp_masses = np.array([mpi, mpi, 0.0])
# choose the center-of-mass energy
>>> cme = 4.0 *
# compute the gamma-ray spectrum
>>> spec = gamma_ray_fsr(isp_masses, fsp_masses, cme, msqrds.tree,
                         msqrds.radiative, num_ps_pts=500000, num_bins=50)
# plot the spectrum
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> plt.figure(dpi=100)
>>> plt.plot(spec[0], spec[1])
>>> plt.yscale('log')
>>> plt.xscale('log')
>>> plt.ylabel(r'$dN/dE_{\gamma} \ (\mathrm{MeV}^{-1})$', fontsize=16)
>>> plt.xlabel(r'$E_{\gamma} \ (\mathrm{MeV})$', fontsize=16)
